India’s biggest superstar, Prabhas, has launched 'The Script Craft', a platform aimed at promoting and empowering writers. With his deep passion for storytelling, Prabhas supports this initiative to provide writers with a space to share their story ideas, showcase their creativity, and reach a wider audience for greater visibility. 'The Script Craft' offers writers the opportunity to submit a 250-word synopsis of their story ideas. Audiences can read and rate these submissions, with the highest-rated stories gaining more visibility. The platform emphasizes a rating-based feedback system rather than comments, fostering a positive and constructive environment where writers can build confidence and receive supportive recognition for their ideas. To celebrate its launch, 'The Script Craft' kicks off with a special contest titled “Imagine Your Favorite Hero with Superpowers!” Writers are invited to submit a story of up to 3,500 words, reimagining a hero with superhuman abilities. The winner, chosen based on audience engagement, will be given an incredible opportunity to work as either an assistant writer or assistant director on a real project—an invaluable experience that highlights emerging talent. Founded by Thaalla Vaishnav and Pramod Uppalapati, 'The Script Craft' is promoted by Prabhas to nurture new talent and offer writers unique opportunities to showcase their storytelling skills and creativity.